From a Data Encoder to a Professional Real Estate Content Creator

How did you start your career in digital marketing as a content marketer?

I started my career as a Data Encoder in a Medical Fitness Centre in Dubai, and it feels like the same routine every day, and I was getting bored easily, so I started watching some online courses related to Graphic Design, I used to spend almost 2–3 hours every day to finish all the course I purchased, and that’s how I built my portfolio to get an offer from a Filipino magazine company in Dubai. I worked there for almost a year then shifted to a proper Marketing Agency where the gained experience, due to the Pandemic company got affected and reduced our salary by 50%, and that’s the time I started to look for a new opportunity and after days of searching, I got an opportunity from Stage Properties where I felt that in this industry I would learn a lot not only in terms of Graphic Design but the overall Digital Marketing.

What kind of software do you regularly use for designing?

The main software that I’m using is Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere Pro to prepare the post and advertisements for Facebook and Instagram, I also use Wix Editor to create Landing Pages which is needed in Omnisend where I prepare all the Email Templates for different campaigns. And as of now since our Team started growing, more software is needed to provide Campaign Advertisements from different platforms, and an example of this would be the Google Web Designer for preparing HTML 5+ campaigns which are used mainly in Google Ads and Yandex.

What obstacles do you encounter when creating real estate content?

The first challenge that I faced is that there are some points where the property doesn’t have the proper information, render images, and videos which I have to prepare using my creativity. The second would be common to all which is rejection and more suggestions because as a designer the more suggestion comes the more the content will be messed up because you have to place every suggestion in the content.

How you can manage to provide the content before the deadline?

Focusing on the major task should be the main priority, what I usually do once I have finished one task I send it for approval and while waiting for the approval then that’s the time I will start the minor task to properly manage everything and deliver what needs to be done.

What is one piece of advice you would provide to fresh grads or those looking to start a career in digital marketing or content creation?

Focus on what you believe will make you happy and satisfied. Digital Marketing is not easy and needs proper research and focus especially in the Real Estate industry, one wrong piece of information can affect so many factors. And always open your ears for opinions and suggestions, this is how you will improve your knowledge and skills in Digital Marketing.

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